When I first saw this bag I couldn't take my eyes off it. I feel in love with it right from the start and knew I just had to have it but being the fact that I couldn't afford the bag for that price. So I began searching round in varies online sites and apps until I came across a user selling this bag brand new for just £240 on an app called Depop. She was able to show me a picture with all of the bag and the dustbag as well as the other things that come with the bag to prove that it was genuine. With me being sure that it was genuine and not replica I made the online purchase. I couldn't be happier with the bargain I got on this bag.
Few days later the bag arrived and I couldn't still get over the fact of what a bargain I really got as I would never intend to spend that much money on a small bag. It looked perfect when I unwrapped it from the box and took it out just as in the description and picture of the seller.
The bag itself is quite spacious and a little lightweight with a zip pocket inside. It fits my wallet, phone (iPhone 6, keys, small perfume, lipstick, pocket size mirror etc...
It makes a great everyday use bag or even an afternoon or evening out clutch style bag with the multiwear purpose of the bag.
I hope you liked the review.