1) Please don’t be fooled into buying an item because you see an receipt. Receipt of designer brands can be bought online for £10!
2) Most scammers use pictures of authentic items to sell replica’s. Therefor it’s wise to do a picture check on Google. If you go to images.google.com and click on the camera icon (only available on a laptop or computer!), Google will search the picture for you online! If you find the exact same picture on an other (Marketplace) site, you can contact the seller and ask if they offer the same item on the website you want to buy it from. If not, chances are you just prevented being scammed!
3) Trained scammers know exactly from which angle they should take a picture to make the item look(!) authentic. That’s why it’s wise to ask for additional pictures before buying.
4) Please pay close attention to the other items a seller is selling! If they look fake while the seller is claiming they’re 100% authentic, don’t take the risk!
5) On some websites (mostly when you use their app) it’s not possible to enlarge the pictures. If you make a screenshot of the pictures you will be able to enlarge them on you Phone.
6) I often read adds where sellers claim that the designer item that they are selling was a present, a legacy, they lost all the documentation, etc... Please be careful when you read these statements.
7) If the seller has nothing to hide he will be more than happy to provide you with additional pictures to show you that the designer item he’s selling is authentic. Please be careful with sellers who claim they can’t provide you with additional pictures because their camera broke, they already sent pictures to so many people and they never replied or some other lame story. If the seller isn’t on a holiday and can’t provide you the pictures within 48 hours, please move along.
8) If you choose to buy a designer item on a Marketplace, please make sure that the seller gives you the option to pay with PayPal. Payments made with PayPal are insured and can help you get your money back when something is wrong. Also please make sure that the item is send to you by registered mail.
9) If the deal is to good to be true, it probably is! Designer brands are expensive and although we all want to grab a barging, no one is going to sell something that cost them a fortune for an extremely low price.
10) Last but not least… Trust your instinct! If someone isn’t giving you the right feeling about an item, don’t buy it!
Feel free to leave your comments on this post & tell me about your online shopping experience, if you had any scam you off! :)